Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis the case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Analysis the case study - Essay Example Hence the exercise is an inductive method as applied in qualitative methodology. In this case, the researcher decided to examine the subjects’ attitude, likes and dislikes and behaviour through a narrative / dialogue in a real-life situation. Having decided on the means, the researcher collects the data by probing the minds and behaviour of the subjects in an environment which enables the subjects to be as true and spontaneous as possible. The researcher also prepares his own observations of the subject matter (Ski Lodge at the Oceana Club) in respect of which, the participants express their inner thoughts. These observations are in a reflective type note, and give the location a character against which the collected data is analysed. Thus an inductive and interpretive type qualitative research methodology is employed in this case, based on real-life situation with the participants and the background as subjects under study. This methodology is appropriate while collecting data from a relatively small sample and the subject is not amenable to quantitative and deductive research that is more appropriate for dealing with processes than with people. The interview took place as an informal chat with conversation flowing freely between the interviewer and the participants in the real world set up. The Interviewer supplemented his transcript with his own reflective fieldwork notes. In the process the ambience and attractiveness of place is being assessed in an ‘action research’ method. In analysing qualitative research work, the common steps are interim analysis, memoing, data entry and coding (South Alabama University, Ch.17, 2008). In the interim analysis, the queries are neither structured nor do they follow any particular and predictable pattern. They are generated as the interview progresses until the issue is completely understood. To achieve this objective, the researcher may apply a cyclical method of questioning to support or reject the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Information accessible Essay Example for Free

Information accessible Essay In the late twentieth century, when world was introduced to internet, it all began from there. Everyone wanted a presence on the global repository, a network of information accessible by anybody in the world with the help of WWW (World Wide Web). The importance of data was very significant and the interoperability of data among different websites was a necessity. This gave a boost to web and programming. Many languages have emerged in front of a Web Developer. It is difficult for a developer to decide which one to choose and also to comprehend the maximum advantages rendered by each. At this stage, the web developer is interested to find which language would be less complex but more powerful. Although there are languages like JAVA, C++, Visual Basic, VC++, etc. that allow one to create applications that can be taken as web pages, for viewing these applications the web browser has to interpret them into HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). This gave the boost to the Markup Language specified by the web consortium as the default language understood by all the web browsers. Abstractly, marking-up text is a methodology for encoding data with information about it itself. Examples of markups (encoded data) are universal in the real world. For example, when we were in school, we probably used to use a bright yellow highlighter pen to highlight sentences in our schoolbooks. We did so because we thought that the highlighted sentences would be useful to review around exam time and we also wanted a quick way to skim through the important points. Just like us, thousands of students around the world did exactly the same thing for the exact same reason. By highlighting certain bit of text, we were effectively Marking-Up† the data. Essentially, we specified that certain sentences were important by marking them in yellow. These sentences became encoded with the fact that they were important. Because everyone followed the same standard of marking up, we could easily pick up a used text book and get a good idea about the core points of the book from the highlighted sections. Similarly, a standard must be in place to define what a valid markup is. Markup involves adding of characters to a piece of information such that these characters can be used to process that information in a particular way. A Markup language is not a formatting language. A formatting language focuses on describing the final display of a document without describing the document content. The best example of formatting language is RTF (Rich Text Format). RTF was created specifically to describe the final format of a document, using codes embedded in a document. These codes are readable through a wide variety of applications, from word processors to page layout programs, but they are generally invisible to a document developer. A Markup language is not a programming language because a programming language creates a set of instructions that are interpreted or compiled into a program or application. The best example of a programming language is Java and a markup language is XML. A markup language does not worry about how the content it describes is formatted, but is instead, concerned about accurately describing its contents.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

E-Business Distribution Systems and Value Strategies

E-Business Distribution Systems and Value Strategies Srishti Mittal What is a business portal? Ans. The term business portal is used to describe a feature on a company website that allows authorized users to access restricted content or information. This tool is growing in popularity, as it provides a single gateway for staff to access different applications. Some of the most common features of a business portal include customer relationship management, expense submissions, recording of staff time, and requesting vacation days. The technology required to create and maintain a business portal has decreased significantly in price in the past few years, making it much more feasible for both small and medium size enterprises. There are two primary aspects to the creation of a business portal: hardware and software. The hardware used varies widely, depending on the applications that are going to be distributed via this tool, the target user group, number of users, and reliance on other systems. The greater the number of users and the more robust the services, the more hardware that is required to support them. Many projects begin as a proof of concept, and then quickly expand. Make sure your hardware is sized to meet the needs of your users. What is meant by the term co-opetition? Ans. Coopetition or Co-opetition (sometimes spelled coopertition or co-opertition) is a neologism coined to describe cooperative competition. Coopetition is a portmanteau of cooperation and competition. Basic principles of co-opetitive structures have been described in game theory, a scientific field that received more attention with the book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior in 1944 and the works of John Forbes Nash on non-cooperative games. It is also applied in the fields of political science and economics and even universally [works of V. Frank Asaro, J.D.: Universal Co-opetition,2011, and The Tortoise Shell Code, novel, 2012]. Coopetition occurs when companies interact with partial congruence of interests. They cooperate with each other to reach a higher value creation if compared to the value created without interaction, and struggle to achieve competitive advantage. What is a first mover? Ans. In marketing, first-mover advantage or FMA is the advantage gained by the initial (first-moving) significant occupant of a market segment. It may be referred to as Technological Leadership. This advantage may stem from the fact that the first entrant can gain control of resources that followers may not be able to match Sometimes, the first mover is not able to capitalize on its advantage, leaving the opportunity for another firm to gain second-mover advantage. What is meant by a frictionless market? Ans. A Frictionless market is a financial market without transaction costs. Friction is a type of market incompleteness. Every complete market is frictionless, but the converse does not hold. In a frictionless market the solvency cone is the halfspace normal to the unique price vector. The Black-Scholes model assumes a frictionless market. What does SWOT stand for? Ans. The abbreviation SWOT is commonly used in reference to strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT may also stand for Sydney welcome orientation and transition, student with outstanding talent, study without teacher or special weapons for operations timelines. Exercises: List the strategic alternatives can e-business businesses are using. Ans. Business environments are highly uncertain and executives need to be innovative and flexible to survive. They achieve this through strategic alternatives that enable their companies to maintain a competitive edge over rivals. For instance, executives can adapt through safer small investments or risky and costly changes, according to the Harvard Business Review. Some alternative strategies include price focus, differentiation, diversification and adjacent businesses. Price Focus Price focus is a market niche strategy where a company competes on cost. This strategy targets a small buyer segment and the company needs to have a low-cost structure compared to rivals. This strategy is effective when a business is new, it cannot pursue a bigger market, customer segments are different, or when no other competitor is focusing on the targeted segment. Differentiation In cases where competition is stiff because of the proliferation of similar products, a company can come up with features that differentiate their products or services from those of rivals. The differentiating features need to be valuable to customers so that they are ready to pay premiums for them, and difficult for rivals to copy. When introducing new features, executives need to ensure that the product is affordable and that it complements customer’s needs. What advantages can pioneering firms gain? Ans. One of the most valuable competitive brand strategies any company can undertake is what I refer to as the Pioneer Advantage. The Pioneer Advantage is what the name implies: being first to enter an emerging market or creating a new market altogether. Business history is full of pioneer companies that have outsold the latecomers for years. Market pioneers Coca-Cola, Tide, Pitney-Bowes, Lipton Tea, and Levi Strauss continue to be the best selling or most profitable brands in their categories. The competitive advantages are significant for the market pioneer. One of the most significant advantages the pioneer owns is product awareness. There is much research that shows that buyers do not recall all brands equally. The customer is more familiar with certain brands over others and they will recall those brands more easily. The Pioneer is most likely the highest profile of any brand in the category and, as a result, it is often recalled first. How can an e-business build barriers to other businesses? Ans. Today, people often turn to the Internet first for information about businesses and products – whether they are shopping online, or simply looking for a business’ address or phone number – making an online presence one of the most important assets for any business; not just to share information, but to build credibility. According to a recent survey of millions of consumers by Weebly, 56 percent said they do not trust a business without a website. List some of the advantages of having a brand name. Ans. Successful brand-building helps profitability by â€Å"adding values† that customers are prepared to pay for. Strong brands inspire customer loyalty leading to repeat sales and word-of mouth recommendation. The brand owner can usually charge higher prices, especially if the brand is the market leader. Better access to distribution retailers, distributors and other sellers usually want to stock top selling brands. With limited shelf space it is more likely the top brands will be on the shelf than less well-known brands What are some of the advantages of having large amounts of resources for competing on the Internet? Ans. competition is the rivalry among sellers trying to achieve such goals as increasing profits, market share, and sales volume by varying the elements of the marketing mix: price, product, distribution, and promotion. Merriam-Webster defines competition in business as the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable termsIt was described by Adam Smith n The Wealth of Nations (1776) and later economists as allocating productive resources to their most highly-valued uses and encouraging efficiency. Smith and other classical economist before Cournot were referring to price and non-price rivalry among producers to sell their goods on best terms by bidding of buyers, not necessarily to a large number of sellers nor to a market in final equilibrium. Later microeconomic theory distinguished between perfect competition and imperfect competition, concluding that no system of resource allocation is more Pareto efficient hand perfect competition. Competition, according to the theory, causes commercial firms to develop new products, services and technologies, which would give consumers greater selection and better products. The greater selection typically causes lower prices for the products, compared to what the price would be if there was no competition (monopoly) or little competition (oligopoly). It is generally accepted that competition results in lower prices and a greater number of goods delivered to more people. Less competition is perceived to exhibit higher prices with a fewer number of goods delivered to fewer people. Describe the different types of Internet portals and whom they target. Ans. A portal may use a search engine API to permit users to search intranet content as opposed to extranet content by restricting which domains may be searched. Apart from this common search engines feature, web portals may offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock quotes, and information from databases and even entertainment content. Portals provide a way for enterprises and organizations to provide a consistent look and feel it access control and procedures for multiple applications and databases, which otherwise would have been different web entities at various URLs. The features available may be restricted by whether access is by an authorized and authenticated user (employee, member) or an anonymous site visitor. Examples of early public web portals were AOL, Excite, Netvibes, iGoogle, MSN, Naver, Indiatimes, Rediff, Sify and Yahoo.. See for example, the My Yahoo! feature of Yahoo! which may have inspired such features as the later Google iGoogle (soon to be discontinued.) The configurable side-panels of, for example, the modern Opera browser and the option of Speed Dial pages by most browsers continue to reflect the earlier portal metaphor. How can firms use alliances and acquisitions to gain advantages? Ans. A strategic alliance is when two or more businesses join together for a set period of time. The businesses, usually, are not in direct competition, but have similar products or services that are directed toward the same target audience. Alliance means cooperation between groups that produces better results that can be gained. Because competitive markets keep improving what you can get from transactions, an alliance must stay ahead of the market by making continuous advances.1 Strategic alliance is a primary form of strategic alliance is a partnership between firms whereby resources, capabilities, and combined to pursue mutual interests. Professional Development: Choose and industry. Develop a business model for how that industry currently operates and then develop an e-business based model. Identify how this new model can gain a competitive advantage over other models in the industry. Ans. Amazon is a classic business model, it uses the Internet to get maximum leverage out of its fixed assets, and once it achieves enough volume of sales, the sum total of profits from all those sales exceed its fixed cost base, and it turns a profit. It already has exceeded this hurdle in its past. References Kleindl, B. (2002). Strategic electronic marketing : managing e-business. Cleveland, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cantebury Tales - Relation Of Wife Of Bath To Contemporary Women Essay

Hundreds of centuries before the fourteenth century, during it and yet still after, civilization, led by the educated theologians, politicians and whoever else made up the ruling class, women were looked at as the Devil’s ally – a sensual and deceitful creature who was a constant bearer of sin and the cause of most of man’s misfortune. Women then and now may look upon most of these â€Å"devilish† characteristics as desirable, strong-willed and feministic. Chaucer appears to support women and specifically these devilish feminists by creating two very strong-willed and successful women in the Wife of Bath and the old hag in the Wife’s tale. However, through all of the tough outer attributes, on the inside are the same classic and traditional damsels in distress that require a man just like the women of that time always had. Through the original strong qualities of the two women, Chaucer provides a hopeful example and model for women of now and then. Furthermore, by giving these women some stronger, domineering and â€Å"masculine† features Chaucer is terrifically satirizing the gender roles and stereotypes of the time. Along with all of these strong feminist messages also come out anti-feminism ideals about keeping women in a certain role, causing a lengthy and intelligent debate upon what Chaucer really meant. All of these reasons are why it is important to discuss and understand The Wife of Bath’s relation and influence on contemporary women. Chaucer’s main target of his satirical wit and criticism throughout his Canterbury Tales is the Anglo-Saxon church and even though in this tale he focuses more on the gender debate his fiery scorn and contempt of the corrupt church and its disciples is embodied in the Wife’s prologues first three lines: â€Å"Experience, though no authority, Were in this world, were good enough for me, To speak of woe that is in all marriage;† Here Chaucer, through the eyes of a women, points out that there is far too much reliance on authority, meaning the opinions of older and perhaps ancient writers. This sort of authority was responsible for the horrible distortion of woman’s character and place in society and thus Chaucer felt his satirical and sarcastic attack about love in marriage was necessary. Chaucer does it through the Wife of Bath as a medium to reach the hopelessly ignorant women of the time should they hear of the tale. The Wife o... ...When he had leisure and took some vacation, From all his other worldly occupation, To read, within this book, of wicked wives.† His reading of â€Å"wicked wives† and clearly anti-feminist literature is a perfect example of she no longer having control as is her husbands statement: â€Å"A woman fair, save she be chaste also, Is like a ring of gold in a sow's nose.† By this he means a fair and good woman is no more than an ornament or accessory to her man. Clearly if he was being mastered by a woman he would not make statements such as these. The Wife of Bath, Dame Alice, portrays and exhibits numerous qualities of a strong and confident woman and an unknown feminist. Furthermore, these characteristics are what women nowadays point to as Chaucer’s bravery to point out and criticize the unfair treatment of women over the centuries and eras. Unfortunately for them, Chaucer was not quite as brilliant and innovative as contemporary women would like to think. As evident with the hypocrisy showed by the Wife of Bath. In conclusion, The Wife of Bath definitely has some strong positive messages for contemporary women and even yet he deeper shows them what not to do with the hypocrisy of the Wife.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Concept of the Labor Force

Labor force Labor force is the total number of persons available to supply the labor for the production of economic goods and services. In other words, it is the total number of people of working age in a country who are able and willing by law to work. It is the active or working population and it comprises all persons who have jobs and those who are seeking for jobs in the labor market. They are normally found between the age bracket of 18 to 65 years. Working population varies from one country to another. To be a member of the labor force, one must be of working age (18-65 years), be able-bodied, ie, not handicapped either.Mentally or physically, and must be willing to work. Persons that are not members of the labor force include: †¢ Children of school age (0-17 years) †¢ Elderly (above 65 years) †¢ The handicapped (either physically or mental) †¢ Persons even though they are able-bodied but are unwilling to work. Demand for Labor Demand for labor is the total number of workers employers are willing and ready to employ or hire at a particular time and at a given wage rate. The demand for labor is a derived demand, because labor is not required for its own sake but for what it can help produce. Factors affecting the demand of labor are: . The size of market: The size of the market for goods and services produced determines the demand for labor. The larger the market, ie, the greater the production of goods and services, the higher the demand for labor to produce the required goods and services. 2. Number of industries: The higher the number of industries that produces the needed goods and services, the higher the demand for labor 3. Wage rate of price of labor: The demand for labor by employers depends on the price at which labor is offered for sale (by workers). If labor is willing to take a low wage rate, the demand for labor will be high. 4.Availability of other factors of production: If other factors of production such as land and capi tal are available in large quantity to produce the required goods and services, there will be a corresponding high demand for labor. 5. Efficiency of labor: If the efficiency of labor is high, there would be high propensity for employers to engage more labor and vice versa. 6. Demand for goods and services: The demand for goods and services in a country can stimulate an increase in the demand for labor. 7. Nature of Industries: The nature o industries- whether it is capital-intensive or labor-intensive will determine the demand for labor.The labor-intensive industries will lead to high demand for labor. 8. State of employment: The state of employment determines the demand for labor. If the economy has reached full employment, there will be little or no demand for labor but if it is under-employment, there will be need to demand for more labour. Supply of Labor Supply of labor is the total number of people of working age offered for employment at a particular time and at a given wage rate. In other words, supply of labor can be referred to as the services of labor available in the labor market. Factors affecting the supply of Labor or size of Labor force are as follows: 1.Size of population of a country: The larger the population, the greater the number of labour to be supplied. 2. Official school leaving age: If the school leaving age is low, the proportion of labour force will be high. 3. Retirement age: The age of exit in public employment will determine the labor force. The older the age, the more the supply of labor and vice versa. 4. Pursuit of higher education: Many people in their pursuit of higher education, go beyond the official entry age into the labor force. 5. Age structure of the population: The structure of a country's population is a significant determinant of the size of the labor force.The lower the dependent people, the higher the supply of labor force will increase in a country with a greater number of its people between the ages of 18 and 65 years. 6. Role of women in the society: In some societies, women are usually prevented from engaging in gainful employment because of religious belief, social and cultural factors and this affects the size of labor force. 7. Number of working hours and working days: The number of working hours per day and the number of working days in a week of year also helps to determine the supply of labor. 8.The number of disabled: When the number of disabled persons in high especially within the working population, the supply for labor will be low. 9. The number of people unwilling to work: There are certain number of able-bodied people who are also between the age bracket of 18 and 65 years but are unwilling to work. If their population is high, it will affect the size of supply of labor. 10. Migration: The rate of migration can also affect the size of labor force. If the rate at which the working population leaves a country is higher than rate at which people come in, it will lead to reduc tion in the supply of labor. 1. Trade union activities: The activities of trade union may also affect the supply of labor. For example, when a long period of training is imposed on a certain trade, this may discourage people from engaging in such trade or profession leading to a reduction in supply of labor. 12. Government Policies: Certain government policies can affect the supply of labor. E. g, specific laws are made to exclude children and women from working in ministries. This can reduce the supply of labor to that are or field. Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/5333002

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trends in Classroom Management

Current Trends in Classroom Management Classroom DisciplineWong’s Pragmatic ClassroomKagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win DisciplineMorrish’s Real Discipline Strengths†¢Wong’s approach â€Å"pragmatic† where it is â€Å"built from practical ideas† pieced together from multiple sources (Charles, 2008, pg. 130). This theory does not fit with cookie cutter classrooms and can be modified to fit the teacher, content, or student group. †¢Encourages the idea that â€Å"discipline problems† will â€Å"largely disappear† when the classroom management is in check (Charles, 2008, pg. 0). †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Rules of behavior set limits† where they â€Å"create a work-oriented atmosphere† (Charles, 2008, pg. 133). Behavior issues are simply violations of procedure and have specific and logical consequences that were clearly laid out on the first day of school. †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Student needs† are strongly represented were the â€Å"primary goal† is to â€Å"help students develop long-term, self-managed responsibility. †¢Encourages a spirit of teamwork between the teacher and student where the end result is where â€Å"students manage themselves responsibly† (Charles, 2008, pg. 151). A precursor to Kagan’s win-win strategy because it â€Å"teaches students right from wrong,† high expectations of adult authority, â€Å"and encourages them to make choices about behavior that are sufficiently mature and experienced to do† (Charles, 2008, pg. 227). †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"To acquire essential [behavioral norms] skills, they need supportive guidance from enlightened, caring teachers† where it does not put the teachers and students on the same plane; however, it does not completely separate them. Weaknesses†¢Requires intense planning and execution by the teacher to ensure that consistency of procedures is followed in order for this to succeed. If there needs to be a ch ange in classroom management style in the middle of the school year, Wong gives little detail on how that should be handled. They focus heavily on the first day and first few weeks of school. †¢Sees disruptive behavior as â€Å"merely students’ ineffective attempts to meet certain unfulfilled needs† all the time (Charles, 2008, pg. 151). Where behavior issues could come from students not even trying at all. †¢Since the relationship needs to be based on the fact that the student and teacher must work together for the student to gain that responsibility, what happens when they do not gain that type of utlook? †¢This strategy may feel like an anarchy government where the students have little to no say in the classroom and their learning, where the teacher is the sole authority in the classroom. Advantages†¢States that â€Å"a well-managed classroom is task oriented and predictable† and it can be a â€Å"smoothly functioning learning environment † (Charles, 2008, pg. 132). †¢When students learn the win-win strategy, they learn life skills that can help with â€Å"developing self-management, responsibility, and other autonomous life skills† (Charles, 2008, pg. 151). Does not separate the teacher/student dynamic too much with authority and does not give the student too much power without clear expectation. Disadvantages†¢If a teacher does not the set the procedures and expectations in the classroom before the end of week two, research has shown that they will not have good classroom management †¢Procedures can seem daunting and intense and very little wiggle room for students. †¢This discipline type does not take preemptive strikes against disruptive behavior but rather â€Å"considers disruptive behavior to be a starting point† (Charles, 2008, pg. 152). This strategy may be easily confused with mistrust for their students and lowering one’s standard of expectation for the studen ts just because of their age. Agree/Disagree†¢Solid expectations in an environment with crisp infrastructure is an idea that resonates with my strategy of teaching. †¢I do not agree with this particular strategy where it states that we should wait for students to misbehave so we can address the idea of responsibility or re-directing. I do not believe in setting up the students for failure and put my best effort forward for them to succeed on the first try, not wait for them to mess up to fix it. However, I do agree with the idea of encouraging autonomy from the students and stating that they are their bets advocates for their own education. †¢This strategy does expect high expectations from the students to follow the rules but they are not in a true in a democracy like the previous strategy. There are no unrealistic expectations of maturity level and one will expect a student to act their age. The students are not set up to fail, but have a firm teacher foundation. Re source Center: Charles, C. M. (2008). Builidng Classroom Discipline (9thth ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Retrieved November 13, 2012