Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis the case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Analysis the case study - Essay Example Hence the exercise is an inductive method as applied in qualitative methodology. In this case, the researcher decided to examine the subjects’ attitude, likes and dislikes and behaviour through a narrative / dialogue in a real-life situation. Having decided on the means, the researcher collects the data by probing the minds and behaviour of the subjects in an environment which enables the subjects to be as true and spontaneous as possible. The researcher also prepares his own observations of the subject matter (Ski Lodge at the Oceana Club) in respect of which, the participants express their inner thoughts. These observations are in a reflective type note, and give the location a character against which the collected data is analysed. Thus an inductive and interpretive type qualitative research methodology is employed in this case, based on real-life situation with the participants and the background as subjects under study. This methodology is appropriate while collecting data from a relatively small sample and the subject is not amenable to quantitative and deductive research that is more appropriate for dealing with processes than with people. The interview took place as an informal chat with conversation flowing freely between the interviewer and the participants in the real world set up. The Interviewer supplemented his transcript with his own reflective fieldwork notes. In the process the ambience and attractiveness of place is being assessed in an ‘action research’ method. In analysing qualitative research work, the common steps are interim analysis, memoing, data entry and coding (South Alabama University, Ch.17, 2008). In the interim analysis, the queries are neither structured nor do they follow any particular and predictable pattern. They are generated as the interview progresses until the issue is completely understood. To achieve this objective, the researcher may apply a cyclical method of questioning to support or reject the

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