Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Dangers of Texting While Driving - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2467 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Texting and Driving Essay Did you like this example? Xzavier Davis-Bilbo is a normal kid who lives in Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He enjoys going to the park with his family and friends, and riding on his scooter. Unfortunately in October of 2010 while he was walking to the park with his older sister, he was hit by a woman who was texting and driving. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Dangers of Texting While Driving" essay for you Create order Xzavier Bilbo was dragged 20 feet before the woman stopped. He ended up being put into the ICU for four and a half months. In the end he lost use of both of his legs and his left lung. The womans text said Im on my way, and she was fined $160.00 for this incident. This is just one instance where innocent people have been injured because of another persons selfishness. Alderman Willie Hines sums up how devastating texting and driving is when he says, You realize what can happen in a split second if youre behind the driving wheel. When people are driving down the street and not really paying attention but you can change someones life forever and you can devastate a family. The fact that this lady was fined $160.00 for taking the mobility away from a little kid is absurd. The fine is so low that people are not scared if they have to pay a simple fine. Another example of a tragedy caused by texting and driving happened in Minnesota involving a teen, a father and his daughter. On July 21, 2015, 17 year old Carlee Bollig was texting and driving and sped through a red light. While running the red light she slammed into a car carrying a father and his 10 year old daughter who were on their way back home from a nearby library. Carlee was driving a pickup truck and when she hit the family she killed both of them. Today there are crosses at the intersection where the family died bringing recognition to this worldly problem. The Sherburne County prosecutors have now charged the 17-year old driver with criminal vehicular homicide, using a phone while in motion and driving without a valid license. Carlee is only 17 years old and is charged for vehicular homicide, just so she could try to post a picture on Facebook. This young teenager tore this family apart because of what she did for 20 seconds. It is unfair to this family that they had to pay the punishment for what another human did. These two family members were murdered and had to pay the ultimate sacrifice while Carlee gets to live her life. Schweigart from CBS News says,That is a horrific trauma to go through, even as the driver who caused that incident, You have to live with that the rest of your life. When is this going to stop? People are dying everyday and nothing is changing. In the United States, the average fine for the first offense of texting and driving is $296.41. This fine is too low to create an actual difference in the world and it does pose a threat to the people who regularly text and drive. A step that could be implemented to help this issue is a law that could be petitioned to increase the fine for people who use any form of cellular devices while they are handling a motorized vehicle. With the proposal for a law starting in a small town in the middle of nowhere, it could possibly become a nationally recognized law that everyone follows. If this law is nationally recognized people would be scared to break it because they will see that it is a serious problem. If the laws on texting and driving were increased more people would get scared to use their phones while they are driving, therefore decreasing the chances of accidents caused from texting and driving. In Alaska the fine for a first time offender is $10,000.00 and possible time in prison . Now although this sounds like an absurd amount of money to pay to use a phone, it gets the point across for how important and deadly texting and driving is. With the fine being so expensive in Alaska it does have a positive outcome. Out of all 50 states in the U.S. Alaska has one of the lowest amounts of property damage caused from texting and driving. The punishment for distracted driving is way to lenient. People who drive while on their cell phone put everyone else on the road at risk. Their chance of getting into an accident skyrockets and it is indignant to the other people on the road. These criminals are getting a tap on the wrist with these small fines that are put on them, but it could all change if they had to pay more for texting and driving. The families and friends of the people who get into accidents have to pay more than these people do and that is not fair. David from So Is Texting and Driving in Colorado Legal or Not says that The specter of a bigger fine is meant to deter the deadly act † as if killing someone or being killed wasnt enough, this just shows that even he agrees that a larger fine will have a high probability rate to deter people from using their phone while driving. As the StreetsBlog says, Bottom line, according to Grunig, is that the old law wasnt working. A $50 fine compared to a much bigger fine in the new bill, [the $300 fine] seems like it would be a much bigger deterrent, he said. Everyone knows how serious drinking and driving is, and the acknowledgement it gets far surpasses the acknowledgement that texting and driving receives. Texting and driving is just as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol. Although these two types of distracted driving are just as dangerous, the two consequences both of them have are quite different. The ramifications for drinking and driving range from temporary drivers license suspension, fees and fines, high insurance premiums, court-mandated community service, participation in drunk driving education programs, and even jail time. These consequences already surpass the consequences for texting and driving by a long shot. Now the long-term effects range from drivers license revocation, background checks, employment, auto insurance rates, to personal and professional relationships. This does not make sense. In todays current society, there has been a decrease in drinking and driving and as it is seen the texting and driving popularity is rising each year. So why is it that the consequences for drinking and driving is more serious than texting and driving? Because people do not recognize texting and driving to be as severe as drinking and driving although they are just as dangerous. If people are caught drinking and driving they have to do or go through many different types of punishments. One punishment that is very common is having to blow into a breathalyzer device to start their car. These devices are called ignition interlock devices and what they do is after someone blows into the mouthpiece it will analyze if there is any alcohol particles in their breathe. If the device does not detect any alcohol the person is then able to start their car. Now people who are convicted of driving under the influence have to install these devices in their car, but they also have to pay a fine. So even though texting and driving is as dangerous as drinking and driving the punishments are far different. That is why a device is needed to be installed into all cars to help stop the texting and driving epidemic. This device could consist of just a cord that someone plugs their phone into that will then turn their phone off and let them start their car or just an app that locks someones phone while they drive. This technology is something that could be so simple to invent but is not implemented in the world yet. Texting and driving is also an extremely expensive form of distracted driving. In 2015 there was $10 Billion dollars worth of property damage in the United States caused from distracted driving. $10 Billion dollars is a lot of money. This money could have been used for so much more than property damage. If these people were focused on the road and not their phones this money could have been used for schools, public roads, or even charity programs. Back in 2015 two-thirds of the American population owned smartphones. In todays world, 98.81% of the american population aged 18-64 have cell phones. With this information it is probable to conclude that the amount of damage caused from texting and driving has drastically increased. Not only does texting and driving cost a lot of money each year, it also costs a lot of innocent lives. In 2011 there were 354 deaths, in 2013 there were 411 deaths, and in 2015 there were 452 deaths. As it is seen these numbers are only increasing over the year s, and it is only predictable that they will continue to go up each day. In the end people are so selfish they would know the risk of sending or reading a text, but yet still do it. This epidemic is not only affecting America, but also some nations around the world. In China texting while driving is something that is focused on a lot throughout the country. For example the Leqing court in Zhejiang province convicted a 22- year-old man to a year in prison and fined him 200,000 yuan($30,400 USD) for hitting a pedestrian with his car while he was trying to delete an app on his phone. This shows the importance that the Zhejiang province puts on texting and driving. This man did not kill the pedestrian he merely hit him and he was sentenced to a whole year in prison, if he was in the U.S. he would have been fined a couple hundred dollars. In China the process for receiving a drivers license is a lengthy and difficult process. The age requirement is the person has to be 18 years old, they have to bring numerous examples of identity, then they have to take a written exam that is 100 questions and if they do not get at least a 90% they fail. Now if you compare the proce ss of how to obtain a license in China versus how to obtain a license in the United States, it is seen that the Chinese way is a lot more difficult. This could be a good thing though. In China if someone has their license it shows that they are mature enough and completely understand the rules and street regulations in China. This could be something that the United States might want to think about adopting into their licensing system because if less people had their license it would obviously make it so that less people are driving, therefore decreasing the chances of someone using their phone while driving. From January to October of this year there were 690 deadly crashes in Shanghai. Only 29.6% (204) of those crashes were caused because of texting and driving. If the population of America (325.7 million) is taken and divided by the population of Shanghai (24.18 million) the number would be 13.5. Then if 13.5 is taken and multiplied by the number of accidents that happened in Sha nghai this year it would only equal 2,748. That is 752 innocent people who died compared to the U.S., thus showing that the punishment system in America is obviously not harsh enough to scare people into not texting and driving. The distraction that texting and driving causes is unbelievable. When someone is texting while driving, the time they spend with their eyes off the road increases by 400%. Teenagers also have a 400% higher chance of getting into an accident while texting and driving compared to adults. When someone who is driving is texting they have a 23 times larger risk to getting into an accident caused by any type of problem. If someone was not texting while driving they could have stopped the accident by what their reaction is, no matter whose fault it is. In the U.S. the average speed limit is 55 mph. If someone took their eyes off the road for even five seconds they would be able to travel the length of the football field, all basically blindfolded. Now if there was someone traveling North and someone traveling South on the same road, both texting and driving, the chances of those two hitting someone goes through the roof. Lastly, but the most mind boggling statistic is that drunk driving is actually more safe than texting and driving. Texting and driving in fact is 6 times more dangerous than drinking while intoxicated. So why is it that the punishments are so different? In the end, texting and driving is a very dangerous form of distracted driving that goes unnoticed. People are killed innocently each day due to people being reckless and immature while driving. The fines are way too low to scare anyone into not texting and driving, causing them to not care and break the law because they know the probability of them getting caught is super low and even if they are caught they wont be punished harshly. Something needs to change, whether it is a simple invention people can install in their cars that make it so that they cannot text and drive, the fines and punishments becoming a lot harsher, or even more police officers on duty, an adjustment needs to be made. When it costs a little boy more for innocently walking to the park more than it costs the woman who hit him, there is a problem. Other countries in the world have put the heat on their citizens to not text and drive, America should take some notes. Also the fact that there are different punishmen ts in different states for the same crime is very confusing. In Alaska the fine for texting and driving is $10,000, but in Colorado it is $50 for someones first offense. They should be the same throughout the country so that people will be just as afraid to break the law in Texas as they would in Florida. Sharon Heit is a mother of a victim to texting and driving beautifully said how, In a split second you could ruin your future, injure or kill others, and tear a hole in the hearts of everyone who loves you. This statement tries to warn people who text and drive that within 5 seconds of sending a text to their best friend they could end their own lives and the lives of the people in the other car. It is not a joke, and people do not take this seriously enough. Whether America decides to create a device that is mandatory in all cars, makes it so the fines are more expensive, or decide to have more police patrol the roads during daylight hours it will help this awful texting and drivi ng epidemic.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Connections between Video Games and Violence - 600 Words

Connections between Video Games and Violence Many of the young people of today’s generation have played video games; whether it is Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, Mario, Sonic, Call of Duty, Minecraft, or Skyrim. Almost every electronic device is capable of running games. As advancement in technology increases, the video game industry will also advance. More and more of the next generations are bound to be affiliated with video games. There is a debate whether video games cause people to be violent, especially in adolescents. Do video games really cause violence? There have been many researches done to come to a conclusion to this question. Not only did Armadi Tansal write an essay to help answer this question, but there has been an online†¦show more content†¦Fifty percent said yes and the other fifty percent said no. Audience Tansal’s essay was written for educative purposes. The audiences for his essay are for his fellow classmates and other students around the globe (who speak English), but it was originally intended for his English professor. The online debate was written for a better understanding of the topic by arguing. The audience for the debate is open to the public. It is for anyone interested in the topic. Language The language used in Tansal’s essay is far more formal than the debate. The essay is written in MLA format and the essay is written like a blog. The language used in the online debate is not scientific. Both pieces use first person. Tansal only uses first person when referring to his friend John, which makes it personal and appropriate. The online debate does not use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization unlike Tansal’s essay. There are many people commenting on the debate and it is not necessary to use such things because they are only trying to get their point across. Credibility Tansal’s essay is far more credible than the online debate. Tansal uses in-text citations and contains a works cited page. He cites his evidence to support or contradict his claims. The debate on the other hand does not have citations or any reliable source to support their claims. Almost everything is based on their opinions. Some may talk about incidents of violent acts due to video games, but theyShow MoreRelatedVideo Game Violence And Its Effects On Gamers1205 Words   |  5 PagesVideo Game Violence and its effects on Gamers In recent years there has been a significant increase of shooting incidents, specifically in America. When there is a shooting event the media is quick to question if the suspect had a history of playing violent video games. There is already the initial connection between video game violence and aggression; but is this connection scientifically correct? This topic interests me because of the increase in school shootings and violence. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Gay Marriage Speech Free Essays

Gay Marriage Speech What comes to mind when you hear the word marriage? Is it the big wedding? The white dress? The rings? The kiss? The repeating of vows? Or is it the stress of making It all happen? Marriage Is a special moment in our lives. Fora lot of us marriage is a major milestone, a transformation In Identity to being a married person rather than single. But on top of all this, marriage is an important legal status. We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Marriage Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nothing says â€Å"love and commitment† like the word marriage. It is essential to know that there are two kinds of marriage ceremonies: Civil and Religious marriage. A civil marriage is arriage performed by a government official and not a religious organization. Clvll marriage covers inheritance rights, property rights, the right to visit one another in the hospital, the conveying of benefits etc. Then there is Religious marriage; this is interpreted by each religious group differently, but is usually conducted in a church, chapel or temple. Everyone wants to find love; to be In a serious relationship made up of trust and commitment. whether your sexual orientation be straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual. Though the rights to marry isnt equal for homosexual couples as it is for heterosexual couples. Some of the main and most important reasons people choose to ban homosexual marriage Is because they are homophobic and/or think It Is morally and biologically wrong for the human being and society. People with homophobia have an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people. Opinionated outlooks directed at homosexuals often branch from the perception that homosexual activity Is Immoral. Homophobia makes some people think that they are superior to homosexuals. In fact. studies show that antl- gay bias is far more accepted among large numbers of Americans than is bias gainst other minorities. Majority of the people who think that Gay marriage is â€Å"morally† wrong are religious. They study the words of the bible, and feel that being gay Is a sin and will prevent you from being able to enter Into heaven. From King James’ Version of the Bible, in Leviticus 20:13: â€Å"If a man also lie with a mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them† Another piece of scripture implying that being gay is a sin Is In the New Testaments, I Corinthians 6:9-11 Know ye, not hat the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdoms of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extrotioners, shall inherit In the kingdom of God. Meaning that people who commit sexual Intercourse out of marriage, who worship Idols other than god, who cheat, who have characteristics of a woman or unmanly(gay), who abuse, who are Jealous, who are habitually drunk, who verbally abuse and blackmail/steal will not go to heaven. This scripture basically lists he sin of homosexuality as one of the specific sins that will literally keep you from being able to enter Into heaven when you die and cross over. With marriage comes the hopes and dreams of having children and starting a family. This is where anti- gays feel that accepting gay marriage would be â€Å"biologically† wrong to society. Same ‘OF3 sex Intercourse wlll not nelp wltn tne reproauctlon 0T any Inalvlaual. Its more a way for gay promiscuity to increase. Consequently, if no off springs will be produced, and if gay marriage were to be legalized throughout the world we’ll lead to a fail in opulation and to increase in elderly individuals, similar to what is happening in Japan. Yet in the Netherlands, Belgium, Canda, Spain, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland and Argentina, gay marriage was granted between the years 2001-2010. In These countries and all over the world there are people who support gay marriage and there are people who do not. For instance Mike Judge, from the Christian Institute in the United Kingdom, suggests that the value of marriage will decrease if gay marriage is legalized in the United States as it was in the I-JK. In his ideo he expresses his views on how same-sex marriage would affect â€Å"everybodys† marriage, by using an analogy between opposite sex marriage and gay marriage. He does so by using an American 5 dollar bill symbolizing opposite sex marriage, calling it â€Å"real and genuine , but imagine if a counterfeit 5 dollar bill (symbolizing gay marriage) flooded the US economy. The American 5 dollar bill will continue to be real and genuine, but its value in the economy would be seriously damaged. If the special rights of marriage are given to any other relationship then the special values f marriage will diminish and that is what we’ve seen In the I-JK. I don’t want to see that happening in the United States†, said Mike Judge. But little did he know that, that same year when Civil Partnership Act was legalized in the I-JK, Massachusetts legalized same sex marriage, being the first in the United States with 5 other sprawling behind (Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and District of Colombia). But is gay marriage really such a bad idea as people might think? Straight and gay are Just the same, they experience the same feelings, emotions and thoughts ust like any other human. So there should clearly be the same rights for people with both kinds of â€Å"sexual preferences†. But should there be? Or should we as people of the world strip these rights from the â€Å"gay’ community? Ignoring their rights as a human being? In the United States our forefathers wrote â€Å"that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† and that we should â€Å"hold these truths to be self-evident†. Clearly the six states that granted gay arriage took this well into consideration and finally made it law. And in the Holy Bible , King James’ version, I Peter 2:13-14 says â€Å"Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake: Whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. † Meaning that we, the children of God must abide by the rules/ laws set up by higher authority, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. So the question is, isn’t same sex marriage ltimately right since it is now law? How to cite Gay Marriage Speech, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Design Of The Cooling System And Indoor Air Quality - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Design Of The Cooling System And Indoor Air Quality Of A Single Residential Dwelling. Answer: Introduction Residential dwellings are to be properly designed in order to serve the intended purpose; mainly providing conducive environment for the occupants. Admittedly, a properly designed dwelling will offer a long-lasting impact on the dwellers and will even affect the behavior of the occupants in the long run. Notably, there are building services that must be incorporated into the building to meet the design requirements. The room air quality is therefore a fundamental aspect of the building services engineering. During summer, when room temperatures are likely to hit unimaginable highs, it is often imperative to provide artificial cooling to the room. Now, a cooling tower will be used for this purpose. This report presents a technical design work on the said building services engineering facility. Top on the list, is the fact that the room thermal performance must be in tandem with the environmental conditions of the area in which the building is to be seated. Majorly, the design work is split into three parts; the cooling tower pump design; Deriving and maintaining the indoor air quality and building psychometrics where aspects such as air temperature, humidity and general air quality are considered. In designing the cooling tower pump, the general dimensional characteristics of the building is needed. Notably, the information that has been provided to facilitate the design include: the suction pipe nominal diameter is 200mm with the cooling tower being on the 6th floor. The elevation to 6th floor from basement is 20m. The suction side has the globe valve, strainer, a horizontal pipe run 200mm in diameter; while the discharge side has got the gate valves, long radius 90o elbow; 1 off globe valve, 1 off strainer, 20m long 200mm diameter pipe run. The cooling tower is to be installed in a residential single dwelling with 3 bedrooms, 1 dining, 1 kitchen, a home office and a toilet. Overly, the basic size of the house plan is 14 000mm x 15 000mm. On the other hand, the second and third portion of the project will be to determine the critical parameters that must be maintained in a room for proper indoor air quality. Psychometric analysis will come in handy in this section. Specifically, the following are determined: R and U values for the window, roof and floor which would then assist in determining the values of Q(sh); Q(lh) and outside airflow required per area. Here, the design standard AS 1668.2-2012 shall be used. Lastly, we shall use the psychometric chart to determine the outside airflow indoor condition point; mixing point Db and Wb hence outside air SH and LH will be calculated based on the provide room temperature. Importantly, therefore, the design work is aimed at deriving a workable system within the interiors of the room. Certainly, improvements to the system will be implemented only after several test trials are done. Design Work Part 1: Cooling tower pump The following parameters are determined: Pump head, Q, NPSH, diameter, Power, pump selection, Head loss, water vapor pressure, Static head and atmospheric pressure: Pump head= suction head +delivery head= 20m Q= Part2: Indoor Air Quality Check the attached excel file Part3: Psychometric chart Based on provided catalogue (ducted split unit) Select your indoor and outdoor unit and power requirement Indoor power requirement=4.17kW Rated power requirements= 12.5kW Airflow rate= 900 Weight (indoor)= 65kg Weight(outdoor)= 98kg On psychrometric chart show the outside air point (1) On psychrometric chart show indoor condition point (2) On psychrometric chart show the mixing point (3) Calculate mixing point Db and WB Provide all values (DB, WB, RH, h, specific volume, moisture content of the points 1, 2, 3 including the units. 11. Based on provided room temperature calculate the required outside air SH and LH.