Monday, December 23, 2019

Connections between Video Games and Violence - 600 Words

Connections between Video Games and Violence Many of the young people of today’s generation have played video games; whether it is Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, Mario, Sonic, Call of Duty, Minecraft, or Skyrim. Almost every electronic device is capable of running games. As advancement in technology increases, the video game industry will also advance. More and more of the next generations are bound to be affiliated with video games. There is a debate whether video games cause people to be violent, especially in adolescents. Do video games really cause violence? There have been many researches done to come to a conclusion to this question. Not only did Armadi Tansal write an essay to help answer this question, but there has been an online†¦show more content†¦Fifty percent said yes and the other fifty percent said no. Audience Tansal’s essay was written for educative purposes. The audiences for his essay are for his fellow classmates and other students around the globe (who speak English), but it was originally intended for his English professor. The online debate was written for a better understanding of the topic by arguing. The audience for the debate is open to the public. It is for anyone interested in the topic. Language The language used in Tansal’s essay is far more formal than the debate. The essay is written in MLA format and the essay is written like a blog. The language used in the online debate is not scientific. Both pieces use first person. Tansal only uses first person when referring to his friend John, which makes it personal and appropriate. The online debate does not use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization unlike Tansal’s essay. There are many people commenting on the debate and it is not necessary to use such things because they are only trying to get their point across. Credibility Tansal’s essay is far more credible than the online debate. Tansal uses in-text citations and contains a works cited page. He cites his evidence to support or contradict his claims. The debate on the other hand does not have citations or any reliable source to support their claims. Almost everything is based on their opinions. Some may talk about incidents of violent acts due to video games, but theyShow MoreRelatedVideo Game Violence And Its Effects On Gamers1205 Words   |  5 PagesVideo Game Violence and its effects on Gamers In recent years there has been a significant increase of shooting incidents, specifically in America. When there is a shooting event the media is quick to question if the suspect had a history of playing violent video games. There is already the initial connection between video game violence and aggression; but is this connection scientifically correct? This topic interests me because of the increase in school shootings and violence. 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