Sunday, February 2, 2020

Dyslexia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dyslexia - Research Paper Example In our brain there is an area known as Wernicke’s area which is also known as general interpretive area. In Wernicke’s area the somatic, visual and auditory association areas meet each other. The Wernicke’s area then interprets the signals of all the three types of sensations. In damage to Wernicke’s area the person may hear normally and can distinguish the different words but it would be impossible for him to arrange the words into specific thoughts. To read correctly, the brain should interpret the visual signals correctly (Guyton & Hall, 2011 p 752, p 758). To interpret it correctly we have a specific area for the interpretation of the visual signals especially symbols and graphics. The area associated with the interpretation of visual information is known as angular gyrus which is located behind the Wernicke’s area in the posterior parietal lobe. Any harm to this area causes difficulty in reading words because the angular gyrus transmits the sig nal from visual cortex to the Wernicke’s area. So the damage of angular gyrus blocks the transmission of visual signals from visual cortex and the person becomes unable to read correctly. This condition is known as dyslexia and is also called word blindness. Anatomically the dyslexic brain has ectopic neurons. A neuron transmits signals when it is excited and in a dyslexic brain the neuron is activated in a distinct manner. This distinct manner of activation of ectopic neuron in a dyslexic person causes difficulty in learning and reading (Hall & Guyton 2011 p 718; Snowling 2011 p1-28). Dyslexia is a disorder which has a high degree of transmission from parent to offspring. Genetic studies have shown that numbers of loci are involved in transmitting dyslexia from parents to offspring. Chromosome 1p, chromosome 2p11, chromosome 3, chromosome 6p, a locus on long arm of chromosome 15 are recognized as the transmitter genes for the dyslexia. A person with dyslexia cannot read prop erly and spells the words incorrectly even if he possesses a normal IQ level (Hall & Guyton 2011 p 718; Snowling 2011 p1-28). A study conducted by Lubs and his colleagues in the year 1988 highlighted the involvement of the chromosome 15 in the development of dyslexia in 30 percent of cases. Dyslexic children face numerous problems as they progress academically. In preschool children the diagnosis of dyslexia is not easy because he or she is not supposed to read and write. But these children show difficulty in speech and difficulty in learning new words. In primary school children a dyslexic patient has difficulty in learning alphabets and letters. A primary school dyslexic child faces the issue of not properly connecting the voices of the alphabets or letters related to that alphabet. He faces problems in rhyming words, mixing up the alphabets and differentiating between letters that make up the same sound for example aminal for animal. Another issue that they face is that of a coun ting i.e. they face major difficulties in basic mathematical calculations. All these problems mix up together to form further issues for the dyslexic children when they advance academically. The dyslexic children in their latter stages of primary school experience difficulty in reading but they can read to some extent. While reading they skip some words, they lose their pace and start reading again and again. They cannot focus on the page while reading and they hardly remember what they have read. They cannot recognize the space that separates words and they

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